During house to house visits, a mentor mother met a little boy called Mandla*. He was 3 years old. The mentor mother noticed that Mandla was vomiting and had diarrhoea. She made him oral rehydration solution (ORS) and referred him to the clinic. After a few days, Mandla was not improving. The mentor mother arranged transport money for the mother and Mandla and sent them straight to the hospital.
Tests were done in hospital and Mandla was found to be HIV positive. He was started on ARVs. The mentor mother opened a Philani folder as she knew Mandla would need to be followed up.
While doing regular follow ups, the mentor mother noticed that Mandla’s mother was in denial about his status. Mandla was also left with his aunt during the day as his mother was working.
During one visit, the mentor mother noticed that Mandla was not responsive and was just staring into the distance. He was with his aunt and the mentor mother realized that Mandla was not receiving his treatment. Mandla’s mother was called immediately. The mentor mother explained everything to her and informed her to come home as Mandla needed to be taken to hospital.
Mandla was admitted to hospital for 3 weeks. His mother was counselled on the importance of treatment adherence and taking care of her child.
Today, Mandla is 7 years old. He is growing well and receiving his treatment every day.
*Names have been changed to protect identities