The Integrated Nutrition Programme

Home-based Growth Monitoring
Mentor Mothers bring scales on their home visits to weigh all children under six years old, identifying those who are underweight-for-age. These children are enrolled in a home-based nutrition rehabilitation programme, where families receive nutritional education on correct feeding methods and strategies to utilise limited resources for the child’s benefit. Severe cases are referred to specialized nutrition clinics run by dietitians for extra support, and if any underlying medical issues are suspected, the children are linked to public healthcare facilities for further care.
Antenatal Support

Centre-Based Clinics
Philani operates two nutrition clinics in Crossroads and hosts a Department of Health clinic at its Site C head office in Khayelitsha. These clinics monitor children’s growth using weight and height-for-age charts, adjusting rehabilitation plans as needed. Vitamin A and deworming treatments are administered every six months, and referrals are made to nearby clinics for immunizations or further medical care.
Caregivers receive guidance on various topics from infant feeding to hygiene and sanitation. Specialised nutritional products are provided to underweight, growth-faltering, or HIV-positive children, as well as those on ARVs or TB treatment. We also accept referrals from government clinics and hospitals. If our clients default, our staff will trace and encourage caregivers to return. Additionally, all children in Philani’s Educares are monitored twice annually for growth and referred as necessary.